Virtue signaling sure is popular these days, along with trashing a place just because you don’t like them for your own personal and non-relevant reasons. Reviews are about the food and the service, Kentucky bbq I support lgbtq liberty guns bible trump bbq shirt not your pre-conceived notions and political views. I’m free to not support businesses that have shitty ethics. If you were smart you would too. All the oil companies are trashing your ecological environment, but please keep supporting them! We’ve become too awful to deserve to live at this point.
Kentucky bbq I support lgbtq liberty guns bible trump bbq shirt
what a precious hypocritical moron. so you don’t drive, fly, use a furnace or air conditioning, drink purified water or anything that trashes your ecological environment? I don’t, all I do is trash yours, mine is fine. liberalism truly is a mental disorder. so you will destroy a business because you don’t like the shirt? He took it down and apologized. You talk abou hate, your the worst. If it’s not what you like you go out to destroy someone. What ever happyto freedom of speech?? If it’s not in step with what people like you think then it’s not acceptable…. right? Kentucky bbq I support lgbtq liberty guns bible trump bbq shirt You are the one spreading hate!!!!! they didn’t get rid of the shirt or change their ethics, only took down the post. And that’s not a real apology. And spreading hate speech is the issue, they are the ones who are out to destroy someone, not my reaction. Whatever happened to freedom in life? Typical gaslight behavior Linda, blame the person who reacts, not the original hater. And don’t you see the irony of you defending someone who’s bashing the LGBTQ community, because THEY think that’s not acceptable?
Get these new designs and hope you like it
Just tired of the people who easily get butthurt. All I hear is whining anymore about everything. If a person dont agree with another then “waawaa” they are a bad person for saying or even thinking anyway thats different.. EVERYONE AND I MEAN EVERYONE needs to get over themselves period. Ever heard of sticks and stones growing up? Well try living by it….no one physically hurt anyone, words are just words. Need to start worrying about the more.important things in life. it amazes me that you get this bent out of shape over a t-shirt where a business owner expressed his 1st amendment right to advertise
but yet support people with men genitalia dressing as a woman and trying to use the same public restroom my 12 year old daughter uses. You are one twisted, messed up human being. yes they have a right to advertise, but they can also get push back if their advertising is hate speech. 100% certain no trans person wants your daughter. But you do have a president that has MULTIPLE reported incidents of sexually assaulting people, you still ok with that? If you answer yes, check your hypocrisy. so what the shirt doesn’t hurt anyone. Everything we do revolves around the LGBT. He wasn’t going after the gay community , he made a shirt… get a sense if humor. Would you be so upset if it trashed President Trump or Christians?probably not!
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