That’s precisely what’s wrong with the Republican party! Rush Limbaugh or Fox News says something in the evening and all the Republicans are talking about it like hand puppets that night. Trump walls won’t help when the enemy is within shirt I personally want individuals who could think for themselves.
Trump walls won’t help when the enemy is within shirt
That 5 Democrats running and I see Bernie or Biden winning. Orourke loses huge because he loses outside of Texas and Texas. Lol he lost state for senator but thinks he can convince a country when he couldn’t get Texas. At least Bernie got his state. Donald Trump will win the next election and there’s no doubt in my mind. This Democrat is weak and doesn’t stand a chance. Another corrupt loser. They are all known for all talk no actions Why? Trump walls won’t help when the enemy is within shirt Is he pretending to be Mexican American, he was a nobody before he married a rich white woman, now he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Robert be a man and stand on your own two feet , don t used the Chicanos to further your socialis agenda.
A supreme court justice tried to rape and sexually assault women, drank excessively and had gambling problems. If we can overlook that because it was “a long time ago”, why can’t we overlook this too from 20 years ago? uninformed liberal who still can’t let go of the lies perpetuated by the Left. I hope the day never occurs when you get accused, tried, convicted and sentenced with no proof and based on lies. Maybe though it might open your eyes. To answer your question maybe because where Beto is concerned, He is guilty and there is plenty of proof.
I DON’T condone Kavanaugh’s apparent lying in the present day about his teenage drinking, and I DON’T condone O’Rourke’s apparent lying about his DUI either. That’s the main issue–the lying NOW. Bush has owned his behavior. These others, not so much. But Kavanaugh didn’t get accused, tried, convicted or sentenced. He sniveled and sneered like a spoiled four-year-old, extolled the wonders of beer, and got a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court after a kangaroo court hearing where his credible accuser was treated shamefully by Republicans, and he’ll continue to drink and sneer his way through life like the entitled little creep he is.
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