I don’t know how many times I’ve walked into a elevator, made the floor selection, then looked up and out loud said “there’s ole Cherie Berry”. It never fails. Cherie berry lifts me up shirt It makes you feel like you’ve just seen an old pal you haven’t seen in years doesn’t it?! Like oh my gosh.. say it isn’t so.. is that you Cherie? You are every where I go..
Cherie berry lifts me up shirt
Oddly enough Rob attends a safety banquet with her every year and he talks about how amazing and funny she is.. so I feel like I really should know her.. Agreed. My dad has met her several times and says she cracks jokes on herself being elevator queen. And is super nice and talks to everyone. Seems to me the state is going to be losing a great individual. Since the Grand Old Party has doubled down on the poor, the unemployed, Cherie berry lifts me up shirt and thinks too many people are receiving government benefits I am really surprised that they don’t support workers rights to just get paid for a job they did. This is not “free money”!! People earned it! They certainly don’t practice what they preach in North Carolina!!
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Good story. Well written. She does not do her job, in violation of her oath of office. Her time is passed and now is the time for her to go: NOW, not in any given November. Suggest everyone read all the story. I didn’t like that Berry asked “the legislature to relieve her of the responsibility to advise them of changes needed in the law.” I didn’t like that she trotted out the McCrory cliche “customer service”. Quote: “Berry said her focus has been on customer service and efficiency. She said she has been reluctant to spend public resources on lost causes.” I didn’t like that her investigators didn’t visit the owner or go after other assets. I think the real story is the attitude of the current Republicans in power to look the other way by choosing owners over workers. Consistent and pervasive.

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