well, i would be saving the taxpayers’s money to not have to t pay Mickey mouse down syndrome awareness shirt to house and feed this criminal. Of course, i might go to jail, but life without my child would be it ‘s own life sentence, no?
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I was so angry until about 35 then I had to forgive him cuz I was tearing myself up, when I forgave then I started healing myself!!! But going through the years I wind it up in prison for 30 years and now I am doing much much better because I serve a God that loves me when I knew no love Mickey mouse down syndrome awareness shirt or seen any love I will only live in Anger, hate and pain for as long as that person lives if they kill someone I love or care about;
but only at that person everyone else I’ll be my bright and happy self but as soon as I see that person that took someone from me I will wish for them to experience exactly what they forced my loved one to go through and if I could get away with it I’ll do it myself and all will be right in the world within my heart. You don’t kill someone’s kin or friend without expecting any types of Retribution on their part If it was my child….