did you see the recent article about some schools were teaching transgenderism to students and did so despite the protests from the Christian families LGBT pride the first gay pride was a riot shirt but the schools were forced to stop when a Muslim family protested it. I think you are on to something that holds pretty strong traction.
LGBT pride the first gay pride was a riot shirt
here’s a thought and I’m not being disrespectful why don’t the Christians Catholic Jewish and Muslims get together create a religious party call it the Human Party. Look the basis of all Religion is Good. If we all conference we can gain our schools cities and government back. All the people good God fearing people together now that would be something Sorry Peter but the Karan calls for the death of infidels and that’s anyone other than a Muslim LGBT pride the first gay pride was a riot shirt so they aren’t in the arena to play ball with your idea right off the bat, and all the rest of us have been fine being tolerant of each other’s beliefs. So although world peace is a lovely thought, not gonna happen dude.
Problem with that is we don’t all worship the same God. My God is not Allah, nor do I deny that Jesus was God in the flesh which the Jews deny. Jesus never said being a follower of His would be easy. He actually said quite the opposite. that is on it’s way. Already the Roman Catholic Pope has signed an agreement with Islamic leaders to create just what you suggested. Get ready people! King Jesus is coming in the clouds to collect His own! Hallelujah! the same thing happen in the UK. They were teaching a class about gay people and The Christian people objected and were basically told to pound salt. Then the Muslims complained and circulated a petition and guess what the class on gays stopped. What a world
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