I hope she wins not only for her child, but for all children. I am the gay agenda they warned you about shirt The LGBTQ community has been indoctrinating our children for years and it needs to stop. Let kids be kids.and when they become adults.they can decide their own position on this lifestyle
I am the gay agenda they warned you about shirt
And may more Christians be bold and stand for what our Lord teaches in His word. He designed a perfect plan and told us about it in His word. Love people but stand for the truth and expose sin for what it is. Stonewall was a RIOT born out of a REBELLION started by Trans women of color, Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Miss Major Griffin-gracy! To refer to trans women as “men in dresses” is gross neglect and violence as fuck!!!!! PRIDE has been usurped by corporate funders who host roof-top white parties for gay inc. Enough with this blatant erasure. I am the gay agenda they warned you about shirt These acts of violence are indicative of a system designed to destroy us all. Stop reinforcing cis-white patriarchy. There were Trans people. There were white people. There were black people. There were gay people and there were lesbians. More often than not, history says that a lesbian was the first to start the riot in stonewall. Other times it’s said it was a drag queen. Sometimes I hear it’s a Trans woman. The point is not to give one group of people the credit. The entire LGBT community stood up that night and that’s what should be remembered.
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At that time trans im sure were referred to as drag queens or crossdressers so yeah nicholas they were there and sylvia and marsha are the ones we can thank. Its in fucking histrory. Idk where yall got your history out of but it sounds white washed af to me. Im sure you guys approve of the stonewall movie being played by white people. Wow, Republicans seem to have us right where they want us…bickering incessantly over who is more important! Grow up! Stonewall is bigger than the sum of its parts. Thank God for everyone who was there. L-G-B-T. We are allies. Or has that changed? There has been a debate over whether or not if it was a Trans uprising because many of the people who fought the police at the bar were dragqueens and gay men we are not bickering among ourselves, the “T” has been used, betrayed, and abandoned by “Gay Inc.” in fact so much that my straight friends have noticed. one observed the situation and said point blank “it looks like transgender people are at the bottom of the heap” after studying our history.

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