created both male and female to create more humans. Gender does not determine love at all. And in 2019 when we have an abundance of humans on the planet , Love pride gay LGBT shirt PLUS the ability to reproduce without sex … and also surrogates if people so choose to have babies, there is absolutely no reason to feel obligated to love someone of the opposite sex. Love between two consenting adults isn’t a sin.
Love pride gay LGBT shirt
Don’t forget the past, if you know history hate was shown towards Jews. So what your doing is the same as what transpired in the past. So be careful of how you elaborate things that you “adopt”. they can’t have a baby however, they can parent a child and give a child a loving home. People just love to hate, why hate? Why be negative? A child doesn’t care what kind of parents they have , they just want to be loved and protected. Love pride gay LGBT shirt yes he said that but do you remember reading any parts of the bible when he also talked about how men were not to lay with another man an the same about women , an how its supposed to be a man with a woman
In the very beginning of this world two beautiful, original institutions were set up by God Himself marriage between man and woman and the Sabbath. Both were made for all of mankind, both received the special blessing of the Creator, and both continue to be just as holy now as when they were sanctified in the Garden of Eden. And both have no national and denominational origin!Botn have no national and denominational origin! To be clear i DON’T hate lesbians/gays i pray for them. “Christ hates the sin but loves the sinners.This will be the spirit of all who follow Him.” Jesus Christ,his srucifixtion is the supreme act of love, the supreme example of selfless consern to others.
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