I in fact do not agree with this Baker’s religious views, but I am willing to defend his right to them. LGBT flag light swords light saber love gay pride shirt Plus, you were spot on regarding the bullies. So sad they don’t see what they’ve become.
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The original complaint was brought by people that traveled to him for the purpose of a lawsuit not a cake. You would think a a gay couple with so much gay pride would go out of their way to patronize a gay Baker…God knows there are about a million to choose from. This man has not targeted any gay people and has not even after all this trouble said a word against gay people. LGBT flag light swords light saber love gay pride shirt So I guess I will. Seems to me, as someone who has been bullied, attacked, harmed, that the bullied have become bullies. I have so much respect for your response! You get it where so many don’t.
We can disagree about religion, politics, sexual orientation, gender and everything else under the sun, but still treat each other with respect and civility. I have many gay friends. They would never go after someone for their difference of opinion. We should all love and respect each for the individual freedom we all have. I cannot agree with you more. The LGBTQ wants tolerance, equality, and inclusion, yet, when someone disagrees with thier lifestyle, they’re homophobic? Wait, are you not just doing what you’re fighting for? this takes courage in your part to speak up in this way. I admire and respect that. If we all had that courage, we as a society could deal with any of the serious challenges that we all face together.
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