I don’t understand what the problem is. Love is love whether it be between a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. LGBT be gay do crimes shirt If you don’t like it or your religion doesn’t believe in it then oh well at the end of the day what people decide to do with their lives is none of our damn business.
LGBT be gay do crimes shirt
Why do we need a religion or law to tell people to mind their own business? This is ridiculous. How is it hurting you if there is equality in the LGBQT community? Listen the way I see it is if you don’t like people telling you how to live your life then who are we to tell the LGBQT community how to live theirs. To all those saying their religion doesnt believe in it then remember “he who is without sin let him cast the first stone” LGBT be gay do crimes shirt This isn’t about religion. It’s about being a decent human being. I don’t want to get into a religious debate over whether or not the LGBQT should have equality because it’s simply answered…they 1,000% should. I am sick of people making it about religion. Stop hiding behind your religion. Think for yourself.
The way I and a lot of others see it, is I myself want a happy life for the short time I’m here. If I spend a lot of my time worried about how others live their lives, I have not only wasted that time, but those same people would continue to not give a shit what I do or don’t think they should be doing with their lives. My grandparents and parents were brought up in a small Catholic Irish town and my sweet Granny who went to Church, prayed everynight and believed in God who wouldn’t even mention the word sex or anything like that said something I will never forget. She said that God loves all his children. She also said no one chooses homosexuality. She said why would someone choose that since those human beings have been presecuted, beaten, and even killed for loving someone of the same sex. Love is love. Anyone who has ever fallen in love no matter what sex you fall in love with don’t choose to fall in love with that person and vice versa.
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