I too work with teenagers every day and this was exactly the kind of message that they, their parents, teachers and counselors need to hear. The pressure on a teen to go directly to college is immense. Ruby rose the only choice i made was to be myself LGBT shirt Teens often live for the goals of others. Can you imagine how much student debt is out there because a teen hasn’t yet found themselves or found what they love to do??
Ruby rose the only choice i made was to be myself LGBT shirt
The pressure from peers to have a boyfriend or girlfriend is the same pressure that leads people to loveless marriages. How can a teen set a goal about love when they have not yet found themselves and learned to love themselves? I love what you said and I know what he is trying to say is what you said, but gosh your qprds are so much more direct and inspiring and this should be the script for this video! Trully well said. Ruby rose the only choice i made was to be myself LGBT shirt And this is what I was trying to get across from my original post but didn’t really know how po put it across. Thought there is a difference between setting goals that you want to achieve and setting goals you think you are SUPPOSED to achieve. If we try and race with time to achieve such goals then we might miss our chance for those goals altogether because we are looking in the wrong places.Also the message you describe you wished this video had was exactly the message i get from it. But on top of that i also got the message of ‘ listen to yourself and your own clock’
Have a good time and get it now

My son found his place in the world of work in mid twenties. Twenty years later he’s still happy in his job. He advises younger friends to find and work at something they love and after thirty years they will still at least be able to tolerate it. I like to interpret it as don’t give up. Just because the 5 year plan didn’t pan out, doesn’t mean you neglect the fact you have your whole life to get there. Make it a 10 year plan and don’t look at your mates already there and feel any less about yourself. Hard sometimes.
I took a lot out of this video and it made me feel better, I recently quit my job and I’m struggling with weather I should go get another or take the time to sit down and truly know what job/ career I want. I’ve always just got another job right away, so again I thank you for that capturing,moving, motivational speech.

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