White I am glad he has such a wonderful mom to teach him these things. Its cool that this generation of kids will be brought up with gays not seen as weird. I licked it so it’s mine LGBT shirt let’s not misinterpret people. Tiffany meant the same thing as you just in different words. I don’t believe her statement depicted pans as “picky” just because you would use different vocabulary.
I licked it so it’s mine LGBT shirt
I think many people are confusing sex education with history. You don’t learn about heterosexual sex in history nor will you learn about homosexual sex in history. It’s history, meaning the contributions of people and cultures that have helped to shape and impact our world. Including all people regardless of race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation is imperative to understanding people, cultures, and the world around us. Just an interesting observation… I licked it so it’s mine LGBT shirt the people who were just praising trump for wanting the Bible taught in school are now saying lgbt history is parental responsibility We had a sit down conversation about it. In the end he understood. I think teaching about it in school is perfect. It allows kids to see thats its normal. And this enables kids who wouldnt normally get the chance to talk about, to talk about it
Take it and hope you enjoy it

in a more evolved world maybe all would be embraced. If you really are a person in the LGBTQ community I’m having a slightly hard time believing that you actually think along the lines that your comment suggests. Unless you live in a very inclusive post-categorization queer heaven society somewhere. Why the fuck would there be a “straight history class”? That’s just called history. Straight is the default. They don’t need a class. I swear people need to think before they say this shit. you completely miss my point. Google history and tell.me where it has any relevancy to whether they suck dick..or they do not suck dick. Wow. Don’t need pride parades either. Celebrate humanity. Are you all so offended by straight people? Who cares. Human race…not lgbtqia race. Let’s add an s and we can all get along. And yes. I am dating a man. I feel no need to parade down the street in a thong waving a flag.

actually its very relevant. Because many kids go their whole childhood being told gay is wrong, trans is wrong, bisexual is wrong. They go to hell. So these kids grow up thinking they are going to hell. They repress who they are. Never having historical figures to look at for inspiration. I was one of those kids. My parents raised me queer leads to hell. I resented myself for feelimg the way i do about another who isnt a sterotypical man. Had i been taught that other people out there were like me, would have helped a lot. No one else was queer either…….until they were older and had been exposed to more then just the small area we lived it. Shocking how just a little exposure to our true selves helps.

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