If you want a slim girlfriend,you should state so in the beginning of the relationship, Let it be butterfly and flower shirt or at least lead by example when it comes to great shape. If you are just another demanding shallow narcissist-well,then, plenty of men/women around to replace you.
Let it be butterfly and flower shirt
My husband does this too, he work out with me at gym waiting for me to slim, not because he thinks I am not beautiful but because he wants me to be healthy and live long life with him without heart disease diabetes etc. Disease that are caused by obesity and can be prevented he himself has told me this. How can you growing old with me if you die young from an obesity related disease I don’t care how you look babe only how your health is. Let it be butterfly and flower shirt I love .y husband he teaching me to care for myself. W we have been married 5 years next month. this is the exact story of what happened in my life. Am I feminist acting for this happening in my life? It’s feminist for a man to leave a woman based on men alone so she finds someone who loves her outside her weight? That doesn’t seem feminist so much as finding people you click with
Take your time and get your new items

then you should of dating a slim girl because only looks matter to you because its not like your helping her lose weight,what if she don’t like your face you going to get work done??! Same thing happened to me. My ex told me he was getting with his current because she was prettier and Skinner than me. We have a daughter together. Me and my best friend of 8 years became closer because he was there to listen. Awhile later I fell in love with him watching him with my daughter and how he was treating her as his own. He proposed to me on his birthday and a year later, we are getting married in May and I have lost 40 lbs. Awhile ago I ran into my ex and he asked if we could have “just one more time together”. I said “I’m sorry I’m still too fat for you but thank you for proving to me that you were and always will be a cheater” as his gf was walking up. I walked away. They are still together he told her he asked to see our daughter and she believes him

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