No prepubescent boy is going to dress up as a girl because he gets off on it. I don’t know where you’re getting this “information.” I had an older sister Imagine all the people living life in peace rainbow sunflower LGBTQ pride shirt and I used to play with her dolls and dress in her clothes. Never been gay or had a gay thought. These parents are sick people and should be charged with child abuse.
Imagine all the people living life in peace rainbow sunflower LGBTQ pride shirt
Why is a child “transgender”? If you want to become another sex, then it should be law to wait until you’re 18 to do such things. Mainly because kids are more malleable. You can’t always tell if a boy wants to be a girl or a girl wants to be a boy just by certain behavior. As a teacher, I’ve seen kids change so many times over the course of 7 years, I think it is presumptive to judge a child on his identity at those ages. Imagine all the people living life in peace rainbow sunflower LGBTQ pride shirt This crazy mother is imposing this “transgender” stuff on her kid too early. Some mothers are the worst, even with their “good intentions.” And where the fuck is the father? What does he have to say? What a bunch of crock. These LGBTQ people are so confused they are trying to convince the world that gender identity and sexual orientation aren’t linked.
What percentage of boys who dress up like a woman (or feel like women on the inside) are actually interested in having sex exclusively with women, or vice versa? Virtually all of them are gay, let’s be honest. And if there is a man who thinks he’s a woman AND who is into women, he probably sees himself as a lesbian, not a heterosexual male. See, these people are confused as hell. They do have some level of mental disorder. What you’re saying is a bunch of crock and based only on emotion rather than the medical science behind it. Looking up the APA or DSM’s definition of gender dysphoria would tell you that it’s extreme distress with one’s biological sex. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. That being said, sexual attraction doesn’t usually develop until puberty.
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