The problem is I allowed other people in after my exhusband decided to do wrong I don’t sugar coat shit I’m not willy wonka shirt (even allowing selected coworkers in as friends) but all people are the same so I have decided to keep the walls up! I just fine with Jesus!
I don’t sugar coat shit I’m not willy wonka shirt
Trusting people you just met will leave you in a world of trouble. The man was right not to trust him, and in real world you have to be overqualified to get the job after coming late. What that business owner did was to stereotype that gentleman without fully understanding what he was trying to explain! He also generalized this young man’s situation with others and had not given him the respect of listening to his explanation! I don’t sugar coat shit I’m not willy wonka shirt As a former employer I would have given him the benefit of the doubt, for being benevolent! One must be given benefit in some situations and this was one! I would have turned that job down also, because of his generalized statement about young people! He was very rude:and judgemental!
Just because you made a video on trust doesn’t mean that person will trust that other person who broken their trust it takes a very long time for and to have someone else’s trust in there favor Sorry but there are a lot of lazy employees who can look you straight in the face and lie. An interview is your first impression of a person. The employee should have called in to tell the employer he would be late. There is no trust until it has been built. It was foolish to turn down the job offer because now the employer saw good character quality. How often did you meet somebody who’s late and the excuse is actually true? Either hes simply a good hearted guy who tells the truth or hes a lazy shit who doesnt get up and forsnt care for his job.
Be cool with it and hope you like it
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