It is the small things that your partner knows about you, remembers your favorites and truly shows their love. I crochet so I don’t choke people save a life send yarn shirt We are working on moving in together. Right now we’re both lucky to just have every other weekend together and cherish every moment.
I crochet so I don’t choke people save a life send yarn shirt
I think anyone would agree that relationships are work and love is not perfect. At some point people will disagree on certain things. I am not a romantic person at all. I never wanted the “fairy tale” most women do. I am a realist. That being said does true love exist? Absolutely! Pure romantic true love is rare because people don’t trust each other, usually because of their own insecurities ; or let themselves be open with the object of their affection. I crochet so I don’t choke people save a life send yarn shirt What that man wrote was heartfelt and it does exist it’s just hard to find. The trick is to stop looking for it. That’s usually when it happens. I’ve dreamed of having a relationship such as this and now i finally do. We’ve been together 6 years, and newly engaged in May 2016.
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Thank you for always making me smile and laugh and for making me feel special. Thank you for loving me. I know I’m stubborn and a brat sometime but thank you for loving me anyway. I tell you all the time and I will continue to tell you, I’m so happy you are apart of my life. I’m so happy you are now my best friend. I’m glad you chased me!! I didn’t know I wanted you!! And I agree, love. Just being with you, doing nothing, is one of my most favorite things to do too. And I’m not weird! I’m amazing! I’m laughing at myself for actually reading this whole thing to the end. Easily one of the most misleading, unhealthy, codependent and cringe inducing fantasies of beta male masochism I’ve been exposed to in a good long while. The all night chick flick movie marathon thing killed me. Thank god my gf doesn’t expect this kind of behavior from me or I’d be happily single

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