some how cannot provide the security his ppl needs in order to go about their daily life’s without fear, Hippie cats on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt Rich Nigerians would come to Europe and squander their money like water while their country continues to tumble in turmoil
Hippie cats on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
I’m so sorry I legit read this this morning when I first woke up so I was like what and I definitely didn’t see the /sarcasm part. So once again I apologise. (If I sounded rude I wasn’t trying to be) I was just saying Y is the lady holding the cat when he’s clearly hurting. I have cats and sometimes they bite each other hard. Hippie cats on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt That’s when they release and run away from each other. Lady, don’t be mean to your cats. If u have evil in your heart for animals then don’t get one. thats not what u said. U said im gross and full of evil. At this point were not talking about the video. Were talking about you and your way of thinking.
Have a nice day and get this item now
I have no right to judge anybody. What makes you think you can? Are u some sort of higher power that knows all? That’s a rude and mean!!!! Why are you holding that sweet kitty and it meowing because the other cat is hurting him/she..And the other Aggressive cat is bitting him.. You should be ashamed of yourself.. I hope no one follows your terrible video.. Lady you are evil!!!! You shouldn’t have animals period!! yes people like you Kris Rice stay away from the Internet !!!!So you shut up you ignorant stupid Bitch!!! You are probably a animal abuser as well.. And a lot of people agree with me. And stay away from Animals Abuser!!! My 2 cats did this and the older
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