In the final rule, tetanus immunizations are included as item B on the first aid list. major league baseball new york yankees full printing ugly sweater These immunizations are often administered to a worker routinely to maintain the required level of immunity to the tetanus bacillus.
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In addition, any diagnosis by a physician or other licensed health care professional of heat syncope is recordable under paragraph 1904.7, Loss of Consciousness. major league baseball new york yankees full printing ugly sweater In the final rule, OSHA has included as item J “Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab.” OSHA believes that it is often difficult for the health care professional to determine if the object is embedded or adhered to the eye, and has not included this suggested language in the final rule. In all probability, if the object is embedded or adhered, it will not be removed simply with irrigation or a cotton swab, and the case will be recorded because it will require additional treatment.
OSHA believes that cleaning, flushing or soaking of wounds on the skin surface is the initial emergency treatment for almost all surface wounds and that these procedures do not rise to the level of medical treatment. This relatively simple type of treatment does not require technology, training, or even a visit to a health care professional. More serious wounds will be captured as recordable cases because they will meet other recording criteria, such as prescription medications, sutures, restricted work, or days away from work. Therefore, OSHA has included cleaning, flushing or soaking of wounds on the skin surface as an item on the first aid list. As stated previously, OSHA does not believe that multiple applications of first aid should constitute medical treatment; it is the nature of the treatment, not how many times it is applied, that determines whether it is first aid or medical treatment.