According to the AMA, a person has suffered material impairment when testing philadelphia eagles fly eagles fly full printing ugly sweater reveals a 25 dB average hearing loss from audiometric zero at 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 hertz. OSHA itself has recognized
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Paragraphs 1904.12 and 1904.12 provide answers to questions that may arise in implementing the basic requirement, including questions on the work-relatedness of MSDs. philadelphia eagles fly eagles fly full printing ugly sweater As discussed elsewhere in this document , Congress did not intend OSHA’s recordkeeping system only to capture conditions over which the employer has complete control or the ability to prevent the condition. The Act thus supports a presumption of work-relatedness for illnesses resulting from exposure in the workplace, and the OSHA recordkeeping system has always reflected this position . In accordance with that presumption, when an employee is exposed to an infectious agent in the workplace, such as TB, chicken pox, etc., either by a co-worker, client, patient, or any other person, and the employee becomes ill,
workplace conditions have either caused or contributed to the illness and it is therefore work-related. Since, as discussed above, TB infection is clearly a serious condition, it is non-minor and must be recorded. The presumption that an initial positive skin test result or diagnosed tuberculosis in a health care employee is occupationally based is not warranted. While there have been outbreaks in health care facilities documented in the literature, and while skin test conversion does occur in health care workers and may in given cases be occupationally related, the Kaiser Permanente experience has not been characterized by outbreaks or significant rates of skin test conversion. Diagnosed cases of tuberculosis among Kaiser Permanente health care workers are extremely rare. The appropriate recording trigger should be the loss of hearing recognized by the American Medical Association as the lowest indicator of any material impairment to the employee’s hearing.