similar signs or symptoms while in the employ of that employer, cincinnati reds big red machine full printing ugly sweater cases where the employee has a preexisting condition that is significantly aggravated by activities at work
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If the same injury occurred on a Monday, the day count would be three using either calendar or workdays. Changing the day count to calendar days would eliminate cincinnati reds big red machine full printing ugly sweater discrepancies based upon work schedules. Thus, the day counts would be easier to calculate and potentially more meaningful. Paragraph 1904.7 tells employers how to record cases meeting each of the six general recording criteria and states how each case is to be entered on the OSHA 300 Log. Paragraph 1904.7 provides a simple decision table listing the six general recording criteria and the paragraph number of each in the final rule. It is included to aid employers and recordkeepers in recording these cases. The second kind of case, addressed in paragraph 1904.6,
requires employers to record chronic illness cases that recur as a result of exposures in the workplace. These conditions might include episodes of occupational asthma, reactive airways dysfunction syndrome , or contact allergic dermatitis, for example. One reason for the confusion that is apparent in some of the comments on the proposal’s approach to the recording of recurrences may be the custom that developed over the years of referring to recordable recurrences of work-related injuries and illnesses as “new cases.” See for example, 61 FR 4037/1 (“employers may be dealing with a re-injury or recurrence of a previous case and must decide whether the recurrence is a “new case” or a continuation of the original case.”) The term “new case” tends to suggest to some that the case is totally original, when in fact new cases for OSHA recordkeeping purposes include three categories of cases; totally new cases where the employee has never suffered