No doubt, all children weren’t raised in love and security. Halloween trick ‘r treat blanket You don’t know this woman or what kind of a mother she is. To call her selfish for making that single statement, says everything about you–not her. You should apologize. Technology maybe. Facebook instead of face time.
Halloween trick ‘r treat blanket
Being driven to become a success at the expense of those who should matter most. Maybe, they know something we don’t or vice versa. Maybe they do it because their peers do it and they commiserate about it which makes it acceptable. Maybe maybe maybe? I wish so knew! I wish it didn’t hurt so bad. My oldest lives 1500 miles away and still calls to say I love you and show me what’s going on in his life and Halloween trick ‘r treat blanket our grandchild’s life and puppy’s then he say i love you I got to go they’re at it again…
So Am I, When they get old enough to make a living on their own and don’t need anything from their parents, Then the phone call and visiting them stops.. They dont realize it now but one day they may and it may be too late!! We became enablers…Sad but true.We try to do too much sometimes and that gives the kids the perfect opportunity to become complasant and irresponsible.The more you do for some…the more they want done and given.Some have no shame. I don’t need care
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