I’m Cuban too and talk perfectly in both languages. We are in America and you are right, Friends tv show poster but, the United States of America does not have an official Language, it is the de facto language but the federal government does not tell you to renounce your language.
Friends tv show poster
The manager could handle this better, I really think so. I work with Philippine and some time they speak in there own language even though they are sat at my tablet ALL the time they say sorry as they do it not realising there doing it am I offended NO as sometimes they don’t understand my accent the world is full of colour and language if I was a fended Friends tv show poster I would never go anywhere or have a great deal of different friends The Statue of Liberty is not just there for taking pictures, it’s an important symbol of FREEDOM
and yes people are free to speak their own language, it’s completely normal and fine. I agree though that being ‘American English’ the official language staff must speak in English TO customers then what they say in Spanish in their private conversations is their own business ended centuries ago; ‘America’ is a continent and the US is part of it; in the US not all people have English roots thus there are several other languages spoken by Americans who are not less Americans if they migrate from Mexico…
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