If this boy, which isn’t little, he’s 15 and old enough to understand that, Chiropractor abstract spine and vertebrae anatomy poster made such a threat, he deserves to be arrested for it. This will teach him a valuable lesson, hopefully.
Chiropractor abstract spine and vertebrae anatomy poster
We, as parents, need to stop thinking our children are perfect. Yes we love them and it’s our jobs to guide them to be the best person they can be, but we also need to accept that if they make comments like this then they are potentially capable of doing those acts and need to get help. We need to stop saying my kid would never do that, and start paying attention to their actions and correct behavior like this Chiropractor abstract spine and vertebrae anatomy poster before it gets to this point. But no one’s freedom of speach was infringed upon here. He’s just suffering the consequences to what he said.
End of story Every mother thinks “not my kid!” Yeah yeah, free speech…but nobody said he couldn’t say what he wants. Nobody said “don’t say that.” But there are consequences for some things you say. So if he wants to talk tough let him be tough and take thoseconsequences. And not be a little coward standing behind his mommy. He sure didn’t have much to say here did he? And nobody said take the gun away. Let mom have her gun and take away the real threat…which is him. Sorry, but no sympathy from me. yes, we have a right to free speech, up until you yell fire in a crowded place.
Have a nice day and go shopping now!
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