Care Inspectorate employees have the right to work and carry out their duties in an environment free from violence, threatening or abusive behaviour. Unicorn with a fuck fuck here and a fuck fuck there mug The woman’s complaint is if you are running a restaurant in America speak English to the customers so everyone can understand.
Unicorn with a fuck fuck here and a fuck fuck there mug
People think because it’s plastered all over the internet that they can say this to people but it is wrong. To be an American does not mean speaking one language. Being rude is just ugly and if you can’t say something nice and positive then keep it yourself. We have enough hate in our country. Stop adding to it. okay, just being honest here, I had been to a Chinese restaurant Unicorn with a fuck fuck here and a fuck fuck there mug and the waitress doesnt know how to speak English. And for months and months whenever I visit
the same waitress pulled away from me with a reason of not being able to understand me. I mean, English is my second language too.. but knowing that you are going to be in foreign country.. it is expected that you learn their language. So it can be annoying. First off they attacked him and he was very much in the right while being dignified he pleasantly asked them to leave A zero tolerance policy towards violence and aggression is expected throughout public services. No member of staff should be subjected to violent, threatening and abusive behaviour.
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