And to laugh or discredit all the people who suffer ? I pray for people like yourself to show some kindness. Don’t judge something that you don’t understand. Death smiles at everyone grumpy old men smile back skull shirt I am aware. I have it too. You have to PACE yourself Lady Gaga, and try to rest and sleep as much as you can. Take the medicine they give you.
Death smiles at everyone grumpy old men smile back skull shirt
You are real, you are believed by us who do suffer from this non visual condition that people like to believe we make up in our heads. Thank you for your voice, your support and your willingness to bring awareness. And for all of you who do have the negative comments, shame on you. Just because doctors can’t figure something out Death smiles at everyone grumpy old men smile back skull shirt Doesn’t mean it’s all in your head ! The pain is real and the crying out for helpis not being a drama queen … doctors now are finding out more and more about this and other autoimmune disease or disorders .. keep your chin up And make people aware of Fibromyalgia, Lupus And many others …
Welcome to the new collection in here

when I was diagnosed first it was possible lupus Real disease .. search till you can work with a good rheumotogist . Nobody wants to live in chronic pain and depression from the pain . Silence is not the cure And isolation It’s a terrible way to live And nobody seems to understand . So to the doctors and the people who think it’s fake .. I wish you all the luck in the world That you live a perfect long life , may you never get something that no one has ever heard of

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