There is a lot of entitled people Death skull hold bmw logo full over print shirt who work in medical field in the United States who have been getting off way to easily. I alone can’t adjust the price to what I think is fair so why not have the government do it for us? It’s not a free market system.
Death skull hold bmw logo full over print shirt
Health care Prices should be displayed, HSAs should be deregulated, Insurance should be optional, Drs should be able choose which insurance they want to accept, but maybe ERs should have to accept all. Other countries have to wait for medical knowledge and equipment to be sold to them by the United States or for them to be outdated, Death skull hold bmw logo full over print shirt that’s the progress and innovation of free market healthcare. not a chance it would be less, evenbif you took all of the wealth in our country from the richest people,
it would only pay for these programs for about 8 months, then what??? Always sounds like a great idea….until you run out of other people’s money! but it’s your money too. I would love it if the government negotiated and settled my outstanding medical debt. They can force say for example an MRI technician that sends a bill to the government for $200 scan on my chest and the government can knock that price down to $50. And the government will base that pricing from other countries who use single payer systems.