And what’s up with the guy at the table where the filming is be done. He even accused the mother of having a gun. Come on who gives this blond women the right to tell this young mother how to handle her own childs tantrums. The skull chef full printing shirt The lady should have mind her business and stayed away cause its to many kids getting snatched so if it was me I would have went off too but I wouldn’t have spit on her cause that’s disrespectful not stay there.
The skull chef full printing shirt
But to act out like that.Wow!That poor child. if you listen good, the lady say down because she claims the mom wasn’t paying attention to her baby while she cried. But the mom says she was ignoring a tantrum. I know all about that. My child had crying tantrums for years. Children learn to manipulate by crying. Mom was doing the right thing. The skull chef full printing shirt MYOB! Unless the child was in imminent danger.
i know about them two i have 5 but my kids never did that shit in public why because this momma dont play that shit second aint no one want to deal with a kid. Crying while their eating out tried i believe there’s more then that going on but anyway if am arguing with someone i dont spit in their face then grab my kids so they wont hit me cuz there are people who wont care that she grabbed her child they’ll still swing ….dont use your child as a shield
Both are guilty for different reasons. Lady may have tried to be helpful at first but should have left once parent asked her to leave 5 times. If she thought child was in danger she could have contacted professionals. Mom crossed line when spit in ladies face that is disgusting and is considered assault because of bodily fluids and not setting good example for child. Mature thing to do for both would have been to walk away
even if they were right by being bigger person. obviously whoever the mother was on the phone with IGNORING her child .. was the one she was infuriated with and took it out on the lady ! That’s what I SEE ! Talking like that in front of her child and throwing punches and spitting in people’s faces … that’s classy not anything I would be proud of if it were my mom ! Clearly the mother had some underlining anger issues !!
Get some help lady … because I see her doing this to her own child She never used her child as a shield. What video are you watching. She was protecting her child from this stranger that felt the need to invade her and her daughters space. Even at one point the mother tried to stop the fight by turning her back on this lady but the lady started telling her how to raise her daughter. This is crazy why did no one ask this blond lady to move or leave?