someday he will turn around and realize all the years he missed because of his own selfishness . Grim reaper your next the devil whispered to me I whisper back bring whiskey shirt I did with my dad and all the years as family were the best ever. I pray the same for you and your family.
Grim reaper your next the devil whispered to me I whisper back bring whiskey shirt
He misses out on a Beautiful life his son only thing single Mothers can do is raise with good male examples like their Uncle’s Male cousins who are good examples of what a man should be And pray for them everyday I have brothers who helped me with mine and I so grateful for them being their lives I lost my dad at 54 I lost my sister at 54 from breast cancer,my youngest at 43,then my sister at 56,then my mother at 76 all my family is gone. Grim reaper your next the devil whispered to me I whisper back bring whiskey shirt i was with them the whole time.Then almost 2 years ago my husband.So it gets lonely.So a call or a visit.I was there for them never left them.just a hello or a text would be nice.i have three grandchildren 15 ,1, 4 I only get to see the two youngest one time a week.Havent seen my granddaughter since homecoming but I understand the teen years.But my grandchildren are my life.other things are important to our kids we come second.sometime maybe to late they might understand it then.
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It makes you very difficult when your daughter seems like she doesn’t children live close to one son does my yard and other things I not saying he doesn’t care but just to visit for 5 minutes or just call and say hi you ok.It just hurts that they can’t visit me at home.I love my children very much.But I want them to come around when I’m alive not dead.there would be know reason then.There are a lot of parents who go through this,I just never knew there were so many.God Bless and I hope things turn around for you. I totally understand, I am also 58yrs and my daughter is to busy, I quit calling . It just twists the knife. I was a single mother, I devoted all my time with her when I wasn’t working I’m so proud of her and love her.
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