More human direct connection the more you forget and ignore the reality..All will die earth will stay.Dying is a neccessity so that new one will sprout and live.. Crazy sisters make the best aunts shirt Balanse of earth and working with it with harmony is always a honorable and gratifying happening in human consciousness..
Crazy sisters make the best aunts shirt
Interestingly, the guy doing the good deed wasn’t filming, just the woman who didn’t have a clue what to do and didn’t want to put her phone down. I’d like to think there are still millions of these little acts of kindness taking place that we don’t see on Facebook because most people’s first action in a crisis is not to open their camera! Crazy sisters make the best aunts shirt Well the guy who pulled him out didn’t record it. The woman who did could have just stood there and twiddled her thumbs. So why not record it? It was a neat experience. The bird isn’t any less alive because of it.
Recording and sharing the videos of animal rescues helps inspire others and give them an idea of how to help if they run into a similar situation. The animal is safe, that is what matters. Everyone needed to see this video, so much awful news in the media, how wonderful to see this beautiful act of kindness being portrayed. I wish a blessing for a soft heart for you Hanasaki. We keep them busy, my grandma live with us all her life, my mother w me and my husband, help to baby sit the grandchildren, play with them. Big happy family!!! This is Spanish culture!! Their culture are nothing less than us..More human more trash
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