Kindness is everything. So grateful to those who were kind to you along the way. I hope people everywhere, especially here in the US, can open their hearts to those in need. Floral I used to be the cool sister now I’m also the cool auntie shirt Happy for him, happy for the good turn of events and very happy for the kindness of strangers to him! That is what the world needs now, bless him and Italians who helped
Floral I used to be the cool sister now I’m also the cool auntie shirt
This story makes me think of the importance of adapting to the culture of your new land. Having a foster family taking you was absolutely the best that could have happened to you. You adapted , learned the language and now you are working and legally. Look how happy and proud you are! It makes no sense living in a place where you hate its people/religion etc. Floral I used to be the cool sister now I’m also the cool auntie shirt Good fortune to you , your Mom and your Italian family! Can you imagine such a thing happening in America? Only in Europe it seems. Americans are too afraid to give it all up like this, or too afraid to help those who do, and seldom would the story turn out so positively
Your mother must be so proud of you, for your courage, your perseverance, and your steadfast love. I know this is everything I hope for for my boys, for all of my children. We can’t control the hand we’re dealt, but we do get to choose how we play it. You’ve been through a lot, but at the same time you’ve been so lucky! You’ve actually found good people along you’re way… You’ve worked hard and risked a lot & God has been good to you! You are blessed! So glad to see someone succeeding in Italy and having recieved the help needed to prosper. Was in Rome recently and there are a lot of people who just try to sell things on the street and run when they see police
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