great life and husband doesn’t mean anything if you yourself in general aren’t happy . And you’re right happiness comes from within and that’s what she was trying to find hard to listen to and Drunk aunts matter st patrick’s day shirt have any pity or admiration for her in fact. What a dramatic display of self pity and attetion seeking. Get on with your life we all have struggles sweet pea.
Drunk aunts matter st patrick’s day shirt
yes it is commitment, but don’t forget that not everyone is aware of it… Unfortunately and not everyone is Christian. After all yes she was shellfish, but in the same time wise and strong she left as she gave him chance to meet someone new who will be really happy with him. I’m not judging. On the contrary, I’m going by what she said and I don’t agree. This has nothing to do with being a Christian. It’s about vows and commitment. Drunk aunts matter st patrick’s day shirt Not everyone knows that? Oh they do but People take that too lightly these days. I can’t commend her for bailing on her wonderful marriage for selfish reasons. Maybe you can. I can’t. If people worked on things instead of just leaving, we’d have a better world. Look around. Broken families and relationships due to selfishness. It’s a mess.
every perdón it’s a different world Nd when you give thru anxiety Nd depression it’s such an hard Nd dark world it’s so hard we never know what people go thru done of us are strong Nd some of us r good st covering Nd pretending all it’s good becouae it’s what it’ expected of you I so agree with you. What about the child who went to bed hungry, what about the homeless person that slept on the street in the winter, what about the wife who’s beaten by her husband. I’m supposed to feel sympathy because she wasn’t happy living on Lake Cuomo married to Mr Wonderful? Her story is supposed to inspire me how? I’ve been working since I was 14 years old. Nothing in her speech resonates with me putting myself through college or grad school or raising a child as a single parent. Privilege whining!
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