but they should have been more aware in their training with the cat. do you mean the top most apex predators on the face of the earth. My aunt always wonders where I get my attitude from you homegirl I get it from you shirt I don’t care about of the humans getting hurt but one day one of those beautiful animals will kill someone and then it will be killed all because you wanted to cuddle a predatory animal
My aunt always wonders where I get my attitude from you homegirl I get it from you shirt
Should be no such thing as a wild animal trainer..they should be left alone..or if they have to be bred for conservation kept in as natural an enviroment as possible with no human interaction beyond necessary.They cannot be tamed or trained. Four tigers mauled to death a performer.did he think he was well trained to have that power over a animal who in a natural environment by design will attack at some point My aunt always wonders where I get my attitude from you homegirl I get it from you shirt This is so stupid to think they just wana play, thats a wild animal, ppl are idiots, when that animal’s primal instinct kicks in he will kill someone & then the poor Lion would have to bd put down. sometimes we are the beasts some of us shoot them and we lock them in cages and as you read this we are destroying their habitats.
Take your time and go shopping now

We have killed more of them, more than they killed us. How amazing incredible and special to have such a beautiful bond connection and trust between the lions and other animals with humans they have developed a unique friendship with. Loved this video. Thank you for showing them love It was determined that their Lion got spooked and was trying to protect Roy by dragging him by the neck off stage. They said Roy had a stroke previously and the cat was aware and had been protective over Roy. He wasn’t trying to kill him

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