I made a mistake in my first relationship but those words never left me. Some aunts have tattoos pretty eyes thick thighs and cuss to much shirt Through those words I found the strength to find a man that seen me and treated me like the queen that I am. I didn’t need two parents to teach me just one extraordinary parent to guide me
Some aunts have tattoos pretty eyes thick thighs and cuss to much shirt
not because of an abusive partner, just coz the people in my life in general. It’s got me thinking that maybe it’s my fault I get treating like crap because I’m not willing to say “I’m not okay” or “no, I can’t do that” so of course I’ll still be treated the same way There is a book called you are special and she made me think of it. It’s my favorite book and it’s made for little kids lol I’m 17 and I have never found a better book to learn from. Some aunts have tattoos pretty eyes thick thighs and cuss to much shirt As someone with dyslexia it’s really inspiring and motivating for me to see others who are like me doing so well even when life has been extremely hard. This is so amazing to see how far she has gone I hope you had a wonderful day. Kiss your 3 babies good night always. Tuck them in while it’s cold. Hold their little hands in your hand.
Have a nice day and take your tee

Love them dearly like you and I always wanted as children. time flies sis. Be there for them. I love you always. Always in my thoughts sending you nothing but love and happy thoughts. I am dyslexic also and people always trying to play me as a fool but in the end they all stand asked for before me and it’s sad when your family don’t understand absolutely nothing and I’m back to select six person a few as if I am in a world full of stupid people You’re special because you had a father who taught words to live by. I never had a father but I did have a mother who taught me, I am a queen and should be treated like a queen.
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