What I can’t believe Is the fact that your defense of the criminals that broke into this boy’s house like My wife gives me sound advice 99% sound 1% advice shirt we as Americans aren’t allowed to defend our self the fuck that’s why we have the right to bear arms and we have the right to defend our families and ourselves
My wife gives me sound advice 99% sound 1% advice shirt
didn’t say it was wrong for him to protect, said it was wrong of you to say good they better off dead. Cold hearted and evil to be happy of any death. Not up to you to say if it’s better for anyone to be dead or not. Not arguing about it anymore, made my point enough you clearly don’t know much about guns. One shot MAY scare off a criminal but you cant determine the mental capacity and My wife gives me sound advice 99% sound 1% advice shirt sanity of two people who are about to break into your home. One shot is also more than likely not going to stop someone who is hellbent on doing you harm unless you are a wizard and magically shoot him in the head with one of those crazy Hollywood shots. This is a thirteen year old boy scared shitless. If he was defenseless, he could have been beaten to death, raped, etc.
Welcome to the badass collection

Last time I checked there isn’t anyone who knows how to read minds. Considering the amount of people who are saying things like to bad he didn’t get them both, or other things which strongly suggest they’re glad the situation ended with someone an adolescence taking a life. If the sentiment had been I’m glad he’s safe, or I hope that kid gets counseling because taking a life isn’t something that a kid should have to deal with alone, or thankfully no by standards got shot while he was firing blindly through a door, then I’d agree with you.

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