when death comes we are always alone. The devil saw me with my head down knight templar blanket alone living that last breath,thinking about what will happen next Time is too short to spend in negativity. we must try to leave good wherever we go. we must give hand to the one who slipped
The devil saw me with my head down knight templar blanket
must stay to hear the one who has no one to listen to, must smile at the sad face to give hope and we must find the real purpose of our life. my mom is an ofw in japan for how many years and i feel sorry because i know that she’s sad, tired but she keep working for us to finish our school… when you’re 20 above and you’re still at your parents house then, you’re lucky The devil saw me with my head down knight templar blanket because it is so hard to live without your fam How can someone leave an elder alone? Thats so sad. I always loved japan
and their culture and how modern they are but thats a side you would never see and its sad it makes you realize that a country could come from the future and it would be pointless if individuals had no humanity to the closest to them. Whats the point of doing good to others if you forget those closer to you? In Japan, the salarymen are expected to devote themselves to the company working crazy hours right? I’m sure that contributes to this. I do not believe that our lives should revolve around working yourselves to death and ending up lonely in the end. Work a full time job but don’t forget to actually live,ok?
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