Are those bags outlawed too. What is that mom or dad to do with the new regs. As a season ticket holder we pay the outrageous PSL and ticket prices. Ohio state buckeyes living room rug If I want to bring in a bag I shouldn’t be told that it has to be smaller than my wallet and clear. Come on NFL this is crazy. It had to be a man who came up with this.
Ohio state buckeyes living room rug
no one is saying you have to buy it. but a wristlet. i have 2 and they are great for when u just need the basics. what could you possibly need a big purse at a game for? cash, cards, phone will fit in one. and if its that time of the month so will tampons and pads. unless you’re taking the kitchen sink i don’t get why everyone is bitching about the ban. it’s for everyone’s safety. Ohio state buckeyes living room rug if you really need that kitchen sink then i suggest you stay home! i can’t wait until all of them start – i cannot tell you how many times
i have sat next to someone who had a huge bag. they need to make them buy an extra ticket for them! if you don’t like the rules stay home – there are plenty of other people who will buy that ticket… My question to all of the girls here that are worried about people seeing their feminine products: What do you do when you buy them at the store? Do you cover the box/bag with other things? Really? I proudly walk through Walmart with a jumbo sized box of tampons, no problem. It’s NOT that big of a deal! The only gross thing about pads & tampons is the aftermath and I hope that you don’t keep those. I don’t carry a bag into the stadiums but, what about the person who brings a small child and needs a diaper bag for that child.
Have a nice day and buy it now!

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