I have a little great granddaughter about her size nothing like the love of God White bandana duvet cover bedding set she would have been fine even if the family were atheists or Muslims. It’s indoctrination when you force religion on kids. They should be able to choose when they are old enough.
White bandana duvet cover bedding set
I blame them for not doing what’s right and only doing what the flesh wanted!!! If the Bible and God’s word is so fake! Then why does it feel good to do the next right thing? Why do we feel His presence when we’re in worship? Why does He visit some of us in dreams? Why is it so wonderful and soul warming to go full force for Him? Tell me!!! Explain to me how that’s possible if Him the true and only living God doesn’t exist! White bandana duvet cover bedding set if anyone knows anything about ndes it is easy to see she has been in the presence of the divine creator…to those who are laughing let me say your disbelief does not in any way invalidate the existence of god..we all serve a master…

you are serving one too whether you acknowledge it or not makes no difference and doesnt change the truth. i will agree. my mom went into a coma and the doctors said she was dying and to call the family. but, she came out of it and said she wasn’t ready to die that “they” said she needed to go back and she did. i asked who “they” were and she replied, “you know, them. This so touching God is great and has great things ahead for this little girl so brave and beautiful
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