I really dont know but the retirement age here in japan is 65 and some of my co workers are old people. Heifer just girl who loves cows blanket Our neighborhood is so quite day and night with no children playing outside, its reallyunusual but its their culture, i came from a poor country
Heifer just girl who loves cows blanket
but full of social activities, gossips or so whatever but here i think is really the opposite. If only i could speak nihongo then maybe i will be friend with my co worker who always prefer to be alone than to socialize I believe it is getting more and more popular for Community Living concept, slowly but surely . I certainly am all for it. I may even seek it out and try it . I am 66 and have been taking care of my mom for the last 3 yrs. Heifer just girl who loves cows blanket But when that is no longer, I can see myself living my life like that unfortunately many simply refuse to enter. My partner is Japanese, his gma was living alone for years,
became forgetful, couldnt walk very far (and recently almost can’t walk at all), etc – but she absolutely would not go into a rest home because it was her home she wanted to be in to die in. Eventually, this year she agreed to go into a rest home, and we’re relieved she’s finally getting a good quality of care. If they refuse to enter, i wonder why other elders in Japan opt to commit crimes in order to enter a prison where they will be relieved of loneliness? Are homes in Japan expensive? Perhaps they are just anxious to socialize, or they are mostly introverted.
Have a nice day and buy it now!

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