She was able to find the courage and inspire others. Thank you all for your comments. Sewing pattern high top sneakers I am not here to judge anyone. That’s God’s job not mine. God gave us a free Will. How we each apply it in our lives either good or bad is totally up to each individual.
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Bret yeah cos Mary a married woman was a ‘virgin’ please if she was a virgin then so is Pamela Anderson, you do realise religion is made up to keep people in line. Sounds like you are justifying why you are a domestic abuser and think its right! Shuffle off this mortal coil asap you are purely an oxygen thief So god let her be abused for 10 years before deciding to step in? Sewing pattern high top sneakers Don’t be ridiculous. This woman found the strength within herself to make this change, not some magical being granting a wish.
Nothing to do with God more people beat their wives and go get and forgiven by prayer then do it again than is good. Religious people are more judgemental and intolerant and will try and push women or men to duty in unsuccessful marriage including with violence. Let’s leave God out of it and say she had courage nothing to do with God let’s not bring god into this. This woman saved herself. Other women have been killed by spouses. Does “god” not love them as much?

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