24 Only in the case of a unit composed of a single employee is small size disqualifying. custom name chicago bears football team crocs See, e.g., Mount St. Joseph’s Home for Girls, 229 NLRB 251, 252 ;
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So the right of the employee to quit the service of the employer, for whatever reason, is the same as the right of the employer, for whatever reason, custom name chicago bears football team crocs to dispense with the services of such employee. It was the legal right of the defendant Adair—however unwise such a course might have been—to discharge Coppage because of his being a member of a labor organization, as it was the legal right of Coppage, if he saw fit to do so—however unwise such a course on his part might have been—to quit the service in which he was engaged because the defendant employed some persons who were not members of a labor organization. In all such particulars, the employer and the employee have equality of right,
and any legislation that disturbs that equality is an arbitrary interference with the liberty of contract which no government can legally justify in a free land. The Authority shall determine the appropriateness of any unit. The Authority shall determine in each case whether, in order to ensure employees the fullest freedom in exercising the rights guaranteed under this chapter, the appropriate unit should be established on an agency, plant, installation, functional, or other basis and shall determine any unit to be an appropriate unit only if the determination will ensure a clear and identifiable community of interest among the employees in the unit and will promote effective dealings with, and efficiency of the operations of the agency involved. Provided That a unit of five or fewer employees shall constitute an extraordinary circumstance. All nonprofessional employees except for technical employees, skilled maintenance employees, business office clerical employees, and guards.