There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to feel that kind of love again. That woman would be the luckiest girl alive. Rocky balboa jordan air shirt I don’t think anyone wants to deal with someone as damaged as I am. One can hope though.
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There are men and women like that. But it takes 2 to make a relationship like that. If it’s one sided, the other will suck the life out of the other and emotionally drain that one. Each one should give like that and when you each give it will comeback tenfold to each. If you expect to be the pampered receiver all the time you’re looking at it wrong. If you find that someone, share and do, not expect. Before that, make sure you aren’t dependent on someone else to validate yourself. Rocky balboa jordan air shirt For Me I truly can’t find the right guy! Lol I don’t party too old for all that club stuff not my thing! Don’t drink or smoke not into the whole he has to look a certain way… What he has to have is a good heart and treat me nice like all women deserve! I will never settle for anything less … Don’t start off one way then start acting another way… Being the liar cheater and disloyal. .. Im done after that
When you see so much of the bad side of it, the liars, cheaters, back stabbers, it’s hard to let someone in once you’ve encased your heart in stone. I knew a girl like the one mentioned here in this post. Girl of my dreams. Didn’t get the chance to tell her how I really felt about her. Now she’s dead and been so for four years. That kind of thing changes you and your outlook on life and people. Those who find happiness like this still have a heart. Mine is gone, withered to dust. Listen big dog, man to man, this girl is out there. I promise you, when you find her you will know every minute you were alone was worth it because who wants to be on this earth alone? Sure not I but I was headed that route because I hurt so many females by pushing them away that I got scared when that girl finally came around and guess what? I pushed her away too. Because of my arrogance and bull headed ways, I stacked the deck against her
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