Everybody deserves a 2nd chance. If you were once on top, made a mistake, showed genuine remorse, people will root for you to get back on top. It also helps that Tiger is bigger than golf best part about having this type of job is Tiger woods crenshaw the marathon continues shirt your opinions can change from day to day. Within a 2week span he went from hating B. Mayfield, to likeing him, and back to somewhat disliking him again!
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As always, everybody loves a winner, when Tiger Woods is down, nobody cared about him in fact he became a nobody. This time, by winning this 2019 Masters, he became a somebody once more ! Win or lose Tiger is already LEGEND IN GOLF ! Nobody cared about Tiger catching Jack Nicklaus. People know Lebron will never be better than Jordan thats why we get so defensive its a no brainer Jordan will always be the best NBA player of all time. I’m more impressed that Tiger rebounded from his injuries and apparent loss of confidence in this game than Tiger woods crenshaw the marathon continues shirt his overcoming of self-inflicted problems (like infidelity, substance abuse, and divorce). What he does outside of competition is his own business… Am I the only one that thinks sports are rigged? Was it not incredible that the Patriots won the SB after 9/11?? Today, the country is in shambles with racism, bigotry, medicare, medicaid, etc., and wow…..out of nowhere, Tiger Woods wins The Masters. He’s a Trump supporter. People of color have all of a sudden totally forgotten about Colin Kaepernick. Call me crazy, I could care less. Anyone who knows anything about sports remembers, “The Black Sox”.
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I don’t watch golf but when I saw him in 4 place I watch saw all 3 men struggle on 5 hole they each had miss hear there. Stoped went to grocery store. Tiger woods was in first place .wow kudos. I could care less: stopped pulling for, and liking him, when I found out how much of a personal monster he was towards his wife and his family, as did lots of people. You hit a home run here, Colin. The MJ comparison is great. Being in awe of talent is one thing. But being able to connect to an athlete that has been humbled by life is a much more fulfilling experience. I’m not much on golf. I’ve always heard how incredibly hard it is to play well and I have never had the urge to even try. I was pulling for Tiger to win. There are those like my wife who will NEVER EVER support him again after what he did to his wife and family. Everyone deserves a second chance. Now if he reverts to his old way again I’ll be back in my wife’s camp.
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