Good point, it’s depressing to see the number of Americans who smugly proclaim how “clean” the USA is in plastic pollution terms, Pumpkin patch horror movies hot cocoa murder ya know fall shit shirt ignoring the huge amounts of waste shipped from the USA to the Far East. Not to mention the off-shoring of large parts of American manufacturing and its associated pollution issues too.
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Plastics simply doesn’t end up in the ocean unless someone decided to throw their sunscreen bottle into the water at the beach. But that’s for Europe/ Germany. I don’t suspect USA is disposing their plastic waste into the oceans, but I can be wrong of cause. Parts of Asia / South America are problematic, but I haven’t seen it with my own eyes. I never use plastic straws anymore. Pumpkin patch horror movies hot cocoa murder ya know fall shit shirt Any time in a market or store I’ll carry out items rather than wasting a bag to make it easier to carry. I order out less because of the thought of the one-use plastic they give. I never buy sodas or water from convenience store if thirsty and can just wait til I get home or to water bubbler and also carry water bottle almost everywhere I go so I don’t get the need to buy plastic bottle to quench my thirst.
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Need to constanty think and remind myself, constantly getting better at not using, and reusing. Have decided to support Asian political parties that ban the import of plastic waste from countries like Australia, New Zealand, USA, etc to Asia. Will move to increase awareness of the irresponsible way in which these exporting countries have pollutedAsia with their plastic waste. It is good that these exporting countries are doing something to reduce the use of plastics since they are so irresponsible im the way they handle and treat their own plastic waste.
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