It’s sad that now even a 50+ yo white MiMi gets scared to death when getting pulled over for slight speeding (really did have to go pee) lol. Halloween sunflower love grandma life shirt It shouldn’t be this way. Its very screwed up and wrong. We are supposed to trust our LEO’s instead of being scared to death
Halloween sunflower love grandma life shirt
something horrible is about to happen. Since the recording stopped before the outcome we do not know if the passenger had drugs stashed under the seat or not. There was no reason for the driver to refuse a car search other than he thought he was a big-shot just because he was a lawyer. The only reason he wanted to record the whole thing was so he could get his mug on here. Halloween sunflower love grandma life shirt He was a smart ass with an attitude. He WANTED to cause more work for those cops just because he could. A simple car search, as they had requested would have ended it right there. If drugs had been found the passenger would have been hauled off. As a “lawyer” the driver should have been only too happy to cooperate. Instead he coped a smart ass attitude.
Have a nice time in here and go shopping now

I appreciate our law enforcement. They are the first ones we call in time of trouble. I retired from a Sheriff’s Dept. They are my heroes for sure!! Records a video like this needs more cameras on him as he or she gets the crap beaten out of them. It is Racial because he looks like a poor White guy. Why would the police ask him why are you driving Uber. That’s like asking a police person why are you working concerts and events. Its racial.

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