Like any human her nerves took over. I enjoyed even laughed watching her covering her eyes bc it was adorable. Hocus pocus 26th anniversary 1993 2019 signature shirt She added a little touch of shyness to the show and I loved it. Tell her she did what millions of adults still can’t do today. She was awesome!!!
Hocus pocus 26th anniversary 1993 2019 signature shirt
I’m proud of her for getting up there. I was so worried that she thought people were laughing at her and it was going to cause her issues later. Maybe if she sees the video (I don’t know if she has because there are a million comments) she’ll see why they were laughing and she’ll be a little more loose each time she goes up. If not, some of the greats have stage freight and still perform so there’s hope if she wants it! Hocus pocus 26th anniversary 1993 2019 signature shirt I’m glad to learn this because while the world focused on the outgoing child, the teacher in me was concerned about your niece. I am happy she made that step and hopefully it was just one step to being more confident performing.
My heart broke for her. She looks so terrified. Good for her for being a brave little peanut and joining her class. She should be very proud. High fives for her!! I’ve only just seen this post and your comment came up first I’m glad to say. I was wondering who the silent child was next to the star of the show. Bless her for having the courage to stand up there in front of all those people. I felt her pain! I would have been this little girl at her age. On the other hand, my sister would have rather have had her fingernails pulled out. We’re both in our seventies and we both turned out ok.
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