Kneeling has always been a symbol of respect as one humbles themselves before those they are kneeling to. Only when a black man did it has it be interpreted as disrespect. Police statism ideas so good they are mandatory shirt This is why they kneel. prove me wrong. Name one other time in history kneeling was desrepectful, besides you saying this is. Just remembered in other countries Kings and dictators demand people show them respect by kneeling/bowing to them.
Police statism ideas so good they are mandatory shirt
are u talking to me, or Helene? If me, I don’t believe anyone should be able to murder anyone else. Do I believe Police or anyone else has the right to defend themselves if threatened? U bet ur ass I do! Do you also boycott companies that disrespect the flag buy using it to sell cars and mattresses? Or how about when stores sell desposible items like plates, napkins, caps, pillows, rugs, blankets, and clothes? Because all those are against flag code and disrespect the flag. Police statism ideas so good they are mandatory shirt Don’t worry I know the answer Well here’s a Veteran who supports the players right to kneel. That’s complete bullshit about this being about the flag. If you’re a true patriot, you’d take a stand and call out the racism and unjust police brutality. And until the dick Helene M Stuart and others like her, take a stand and speak out against this racist bullshit, sit down and shut the fukk up.
I just wished the NFL football players had the same respect for our veterans has our veterans have for them!!! If I don’t see it this season I will boycott the NFL again. I have stated I love football I haven’t watched a game since it started and I really miss football. But what has their protest done to help their cause???? I don’t know if it has. I would rather see them doing something outside of their job to protest. This is why I don’t watch no more awards programs anymore….I want to see awards and winners not hear their political opinions. I can’t view my political views at work. I need to do that on my time. I’m sure your not missed since you decided to not watch football. Who are you to dictate how and when they protest. I support them and will continue to even though I don’t watch sports. You have your opinions and I have mine.
Welcome to the awesome collection!

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