“Find love on the things you do” and Personalized new york city police department full printing shirt that what will make us happy. I landed on a job i didn’t love yet I found love on what I’ve been doing and that what makes me happy and stress free and not just certainly landing on the job we loved.
Personalized new york city police department full printing shirt
It’s not about the work. It’s about the way you look at it. Let’s be honest, we all need work in order to sustain our lives. We need income to buy food, clothes, rent or house, bills to pay… If you have no work, you might die earlier than those who died because of “and then” people. The key is contentment. Personalized new york city police department full printing shirt Be contented on what you have. Stop looking to those above you and start appreciating on the things you have and look down to those below you.
There will always be someone who wishes to be in your shoes. Stop wasting your life on wanting things that are not necessary to make you happy. made me feel frustrated. It’s not that easy to just quit your job and find something that makes you happy. And how on earth do you do it at 55yo with no money to show for all your years of gut busting work. We can’t all be YouTube sensations. Not everyone has the opportunity to land on the jobs they want/love so I’d rather take the saying