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Like Bruce Lee says, “You are to combine both in harmony. If you have one to the extreme, you become unscientific. If you have the other to the extreme you become a mechanical man. No longer human.” So if you think too much, you become a follower instead of being yourself. If you feel too much, you become an animal. You react to life by feeling without knowledge. Custom united states firefighter camo full printing shirt More power to you! The thematic view is really intriguing. Such token of courage & motivation really provokes an emotionally sick person.
Once again, a big applause for you. More power to you As I sit here hours past my bedtime, I feel I can now close my computer feeling like I’ve learned something. What great and sobering facts you tell, It makes you want to rethink all you’re doing wrong and make changes. I felt guilty because now I realized that time was wasted but now I have to invest for my future but the key tool to even make me look younger is happiness, you may play games your whole life