yeah you defiantly can waste your life loving Jesus Personalized new york city fire department full printing shirt and not his children. Made me think for a moment, the past accomplishments, failures according to my standard for myself, my present life,more goals in the remaining days of my life!
Personalized new york city fire department full printing shirt
great message but I think some of you missed it and that’s the blinder of religion and God you put on it, the guy was going to be happy when he died, that wasn’t about God, he would be happy when he is dead, think about that, when you believe that heaven awaits you and all you have to do is let Jesus in your life Personalized new york city fire department full printing shirt and your saved seems a little like a path of Satan, life is hard and is is more about suffering than anything so when you realize that and truly help people,
put in the hard work for the sakes of helping the individual and not so you can believe because you love Jesus your set for eternity, with a prayer you really helped someone, bullshit, live your life like it’s the only one you have and live it as if you really belive in a God and dont worry about saving anyones soul by belittling them and thinking you got a better shot at heaven than anyone else cause you point out their weaknesses and do nothing but mastrbate and point fingers,