I’m gonna do is whip out my phone and start recording in a time like this. Personalized law enforcement full printing shirt I’ve never understood how people do it, or why they do it. Different strokes for different folks but I genuinely don’t understand how that’s one of the first thoughts that come to mind.
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Sometimes there’s no correct answer to a question/situation and thats okay but it’s not okay to be a complete dillhole and stomp on someone else. Think about things in a different perspective and maybe you wouldn’t feel like you need to be so hurtful. I went through a terrible illness and people thought I would die. My husband stayed he prayed to God every day to heal me. Personalized law enforcement full printing shirt 1 hospital wouldn’t treat me and told him I would die. He was MAD. After some time he found a great hospital that dis everything to help me.
He stayed by my side the entire time. When the doctor told him that I would live, he was so happy! He was more happy some weeks ago a nurse tested me, and said that my blood pressure and all that are near normal. My little boy had urosepsis at 11 days old. The test for meningitis was ‘inconclusive’ he came very close to death and we didn’t even know. We don’t know the long term effects even now. But if he could talk at the time, I like to think it would be exactly like this I’m sorry, but the last thing