and expect to get paid 100K a year. People go to a big name college, Pennywise it rick and morty we all get schwifty down here shirt get 100K in debt or more, get a degree they can’t pay for that debt. Nothing wrong with going to a small university and staying debt free, I would argue it’s more valuable to be debt free. Once you have your first job
Pennywise it rick and morty we all get schwifty down here shirt
Also be real with yourself about your area of study, I messed that up and got a digital design degree that’s taken years for me to finally use. Network around yourself, even if it’s people that pass by your current job or someone you see daily. You never know what a good comment from them can do for you in the long haul. Every interaction is a chance to sell yourself. You may open up doors to a career path Pennywise it rick and morty we all get schwifty down here shirt by just networking rather than a degree, but you have to try. I have a degree in information technology and alot of the places here in Florida where I live want at least 5 years minimum so far I have 2 years still working on it. I heard that in Dallas no experience necessary and you will get a job asap as long as you have a degree wish I lived close to there Had 4 job offers
when I graduated, already knew were I wanted to work before my junior year of college and had the job; never was even trying to get other offers. It’s not about the grades you make, it’s about the hands you shake. Network yourself in the community. You Can’t just get an arts degree and expect a good job. Also, you can’t get a 4 year teaching degree or any other degree that has set salary, graduate
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